Wednesday 4 June 2014

D is for dog ...

And mine is an angel. No, honestly, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I believe in angels. I think they walk amongst us, they jolly us through the tough times and they're there for us when disaster strikes. They come in all shapes and sizes and colours, but they're real and they're doing good stuff all over the place, even now as I sit here writing this post.

This is totally MY bed

Which leads me on to Maxi, my very own household angel. He's a constant presence by my side all day - and all night. Every step I take, every corner I turn, he's there like my little furry shadow. He makes very few demands of me, other than to be fed and go for the odd walk, which I'd be going on anyway and, in return, I have the most loyal, devoted friend on the planet. Never does he voice a negative opinion or raise a critical eyebrow. Never does he make a selfish demand or act out of spite. He is one hundred percent brilliant, and I love him to bits.

The fine art of chillaxing ... involves not sliding off your beanbag
What's more he's worked a miracle or two of his own. For one thing he's converted the initially cynical Mr B from being someone who said things like Oh I don't know, wouldn't a dog tie us down and create loads of work? to someone who's enormously proud of his dog, whom he congratulates every evening on being the cutest dog in the world. And as for Emi, well he's gone from being the boy who felt sore about not having any brothers of his own to being a happy little soul with a fur brother - his words, not mine.

Whatever you do, I can do too ...
So you see my little household angel has worked his own special brand of magic and has made us all happier by being a part of our lives.

All the best,

Bonny and Maxi xx 

As shared on The Alphabet Project and Wordless Wednesday


  1. Awww he is one cute angel. Hes got cute eyes =) #alphabetphoto

    1. Thank you. He's a much-loved member of our family. All the best, Bonny

  2. Dogs do make very special friends. Not sure I'd call either of mine angelic. Maybe the older one. She's done the least chewing. I love seeing the children enjoy their company. The three photos of your son and dog are pure magic. #AlphabetPhoto.

  3. Thanks, Cheryl. Maxi was the runt of his litter who got bullied by his bigger brothers and sisters. As a result he's quite a timid chap who, despite his enthusiasm for barking, is a gentle, angelic little soul. I agree: it's great for children to have some quality animal time. All the best, Bonny

  4. This is really wonderful. I agree about the Angels. You can visit my post for today to find out about one of those special Angels that was in my life.

    1. Thank you, Ida. I'll hotfoot it over to your place to see what kind of angel you've been writing about. All the best, Bonny

  5. What a gorgeous dog you have! #alphabetphoto

  6. He is beautiful! And this is a really lovely post x #alphabetphoto

  7. He sounds like a perfect dog to be part of the family! I had an angel like him for 17 years.

    1. Thank you, Kriss. I hope Maxi lasts as long as your little angel did. All the best, Bonny

  8. What a wonderful post Bonny, Maxi sounds like an awesome dog. Lovely photos especially of him with Emi. Great post, thank you for sharing with #alphabetphoto

    1. Thanks, Charly. Glad you enjoyed it. He is a bit of a star, our Maxi. All the best, Bonny
