Monday 16 March 2015

Free ebooks from Bookbub ...

The other day a friend told me about Bookbub.

Have you heard of it? It's an internet site that directs you to book promotions. The publishing houses discount books from time to time to promote new or even well-established authors, and increasingly they're pushing lost leaders with up to 100% discounting. That means, in normal parlance, my friends that in many instances they're giving away ebooks for nothing.

As an insomniac who's always looking for something to read in the dead of night on her iPad the site works quite well for me. Every so often someone, somewhere, seems to be pushing a book that I do rather fancy reading. Admittedly I don't find something compelling on every visit, but you can set up an e-mail alert notifying them of your preferences as to genre and author.  Then, when there's something they think you might be interested in, they send you an email to let you know about it, and you're able to download the ebook from Amazon, Kobe or whoever is offering the deal.

If you're interested in giving them a whirl their website is here: Bookbub. It doesn't cost anything to join. And they've even got some children's titles on offer.

All the best for now,

Bonny x


  1. I already get Bookbub, and there are a couple more places...let me look for their urls...I get their email alerts. Like you I don't always find a lot, but have got several to try that I either got free, or did not pay much for.

    One is Pixel of Ink:

    The other is BookGorilla:

    Their emails include some free, some cheap. At BookGorilla you can for sure set up what type of books you like.

    Anyway, explore the sites and you might like them. I get notices from a couple other places, but don't like them so not including them. I don't even remember why I don't care for them now. I haven't cancelled their emails, but hardly ever check them out.

    I ALWAYS check BookBub, Pixel or Ink, and BookGorilla.

    1. Thank you so much, Rose, That's really helpful. I'll check out these sites as well. Many thanks for sharing them and all the best, Bonny

  2. So many interesting sites I've never head of before - thank you, ladies! :)
