Friday 15 May 2015

Happy Friday!

Gosh it's good to see you, Friday. It feels like an age since last we met ... .

It's been a l-o-n-g week over here at Talk-a-Lot Towers. I've been busy with work assignments and Emi has been revising for exams, which are due to take place next week. He's been a great little soldier, throwing his shoulder to the wheel and just getting on with it, but it feels tough on a chap who's only 9 to be stuck indoors grappling with revision, especially on those wonderful afternoons when the sun's been shining and the great outdoors has been beckoning.

And all the while I've been watching my new rose to see its first bloom. It's a much anticipated event - a bit like that kettle that you keep watching, which never seems to boil.

I fell in love with this rose back in the dark days of late November, and bought it on impulse when I stumbled upon it in the garden centre. It's called Munstead Wood in honour of Gertrude Jekyll's garden. And I've got high hopes for it as a pot pourri rose. This is what they promised me it would like:

It's little wonder really that it's taking its time about unfurling those dreamy petals. The weather over here has been nuts this week: one day sunny and wonderful, and the next day cold and miserable. I keep swapping summery cottons for layered up woollens, and then peeling off chunky socks for flip flops. 

Some days I've been busy outside on my sunny little kitchen terrace, working in the shade of a parasol, knitting during my down-time and enjoying the rays, and other days I've been huddled up indoors cradling my coffee cup in my hands whilst I've hugged a radiator. One of my special favourites for enjoying with a good cup of Rosie Lee are these wonderful Marmalade Biscuits. My devotion to marmalade just keeps going. I am constantly amazed by how the judicious addition of a generous dollop of the stuff can improve just about anything ... .

And the only thing that tops a tea-and-biscuits break on a cold, shivery day indoors is a tea-and-biscuits break outside in the sunshine on a glorious spring afternoon. 

But, on the plus side, all this cold, shivery weather has spurred me on with my Spring into Summer Socks, which is useful as I can feel a very lazy PJ day coming on once we get these miserable exams out of the way. I'm planning on sofa-surfing my way through Breakfast at Tiffany's, the Maltese Falcon, Casablanca and everything that the totally wonderful Dorris Day has ever appeared in one of these wet Saturdays while my boys are all away playing War Games.

It's going to be epic with no one around to argue over the remote control - other than the Wonder Dog, who hasn't yet grown a pair of opposable thumbs or developed a preference for action movies! 

Talking of which, the Wonder Dog is looking more than usually handsome with his recent spring haircut. What do you think?

And just a few minutes ago, when I thought my morning was already pretty splendid, something arrived that took it to another level ... 

... the delivery man turned up with a package of sufficient woolly wonderfulness to make my toes start curling with delight. Want to sneak a peak?

It's been wrapped so beautifully that it feels like a proper present. 

Anyway, enough from me: I'm off to play with my lovely wool. Have a great weekend y'all!

Bonny x


  1. Our spring turned a little chilly earlier this week, but today we are suppose to get up to 84 degrees F (I just checked - that is 28.888 degrees Celsius :) My daughter has exams this week too. She studies hard and I am proud of her, but it does seem they should have more time to have fun. Wonder Dog looks absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend and playing with your new lovely wool.

  2. Ciao Bonny, I wish I could enjoy one of your marmelade biscuits with my cup of tea. :) It's quite cold for May here (with high temps of only 8-10°C and 1-2°C at night) and we keep having rain and more rain. I guess it would be a better weather for Emi for studying. Best of luck to him on his exams. :)
    Enjoy your wool and give a hug to the Wonder Dog. Sweet dreams.
