
Wednesday 4 June 2014

D is for dog ...

And mine is an angel. No, honestly, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I believe in angels. I think they walk amongst us, they jolly us through the tough times and they're there for us when disaster strikes. They come in all shapes and sizes and colours, but they're real and they're doing good stuff all over the place, even now as I sit here writing this post.

This is totally MY bed

Which leads me on to Maxi, my very own household angel. He's a constant presence by my side all day - and all night. Every step I take, every corner I turn, he's there like my little furry shadow. He makes very few demands of me, other than to be fed and go for the odd walk, which I'd be going on anyway and, in return, I have the most loyal, devoted friend on the planet. Never does he voice a negative opinion or raise a critical eyebrow. Never does he make a selfish demand or act out of spite. He is one hundred percent brilliant, and I love him to bits.

The fine art of chillaxing ... involves not sliding off your beanbag
What's more he's worked a miracle or two of his own. For one thing he's converted the initially cynical Mr B from being someone who said things like Oh I don't know, wouldn't a dog tie us down and create loads of work? to someone who's enormously proud of his dog, whom he congratulates every evening on being the cutest dog in the world. And as for Emi, well he's gone from being the boy who felt sore about not having any brothers of his own to being a happy little soul with a fur brother - his words, not mine.

Whatever you do, I can do too ...
So you see my little household angel has worked his own special brand of magic and has made us all happier by being a part of our lives.

All the best,

Bonny and Maxi xx 

As shared on The Alphabet Project and Wordless Wednesday

Monday 2 June 2014

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

Now gird your loins if you're not a fan of the legions of creepy crawlies that we share our planet with ... . Micropolis may not be entirely your cup of tea, but, if you're in the area, it's well-worth a look.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

It was Mr B's idea to stop off at Micropolis, the city of the insects, to break our journey back to England from Spain. It's just 15 minutes from the famous Millau Bridge, about which I've enthused here: Millau Bridge.

I wasn't totally sold on the idea, but, as I could see that he was really enthusiastic, I went along with it.

Emi will love it, he said.

On being consulted Emi duly confirmed that it did indeed sound like something that would be right up his street. Creepy-crawlies or mini beasts, as they've been encouraged to call them at school, will always be a hit with an eight year-old boy.

The centre has an indoor gallery and an outdoor trail. So, even if it's raining, it's still a viable venue for an afternoon out.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

It sits on the shoulder of a hill, looking down on the historical village of St. Léons. As you can see the setting is spectacular.

The roofed gallery feels like something the insects have designed for themselves. As you walk along the pathway to enter the building the wind whistles around the structure producing a humming noise that sounds like millions of massed bugs swarming in the afternoon sun.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

And now, with the benefit of having been there, I must confess that it's a pretty cool place. Insects, spiders and bugs may not be your thing; they certainly weren't top of my hit parade, but, as they're at pains to point out in Micropolis, they've got an important role to play in our various ecosystems, so I guess we owe them some respect.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the sort of girl who freaks out when there's a spider in the bath. As it happens the boys in my house do that, and I'm the one who picks up the offending arachnid and deposits him safely outside in the garden. No. It's not that I've got an aversion to these little beasties; it's just that I've never found them compellingly interesting. What I have been intrigued by, however, is the degree to which my boys (husband and son) find them totally fascinating. I guess you either get insects or you don't. And whilst I enjoyed wandering around looking at the (often frighteningly) large beetles, for whom I have total respect and awe, I still don't get it. They're great, but I'm not hooked in the way that certain other people are.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

My husband was carried away on a wave of nostalgia for his childhood, and started telling us all sorts of tales about his pet insects. He'd once been an avid collector of stag beetles ... eek! He and his best mate, Albert, used to roam the woods around Montseny armed with strong knives looking for decaying wood, which they would slice open to reveal the cornucopia of life inside. Often they would find larvae as big as the first half of their little fingers. Apparently the stag beetle larvae exist in their larval state for several years, feeding on rotting deciduous wood, before they pupate.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

These trophies were then carried home in a bucket to live in a specially constructed box in the basement of the house (history does not record the views of my in-laws on this encroachment of the insect world into their garage). In any event their progress was actively and enthusiastically monitored. My husband claims that all of his friends were also busy collecting stag beetles out there in the woods and that they'd get really competitive about having the largest, fiercest male. The males, which are larger and more fearsome-looking than the females, use their jaws to wrestle rivals out of the way for favoured mating sites and for food. This territorial display of masculine prowess soon became a compelling spectator sport for Mr B and his chums. In their defence I have to explain that television reception isn't great in that part of the mountains ... .

And then, one day, they woke up, grew some facial hair ... and discovered motorbikes and girls. My in-laws no doubt heaved a huge sigh of relief as they reclaimed their garage ... and they all lived happily ever after. The End.

There are hundreds and hundreds of displays of dead insects in glass display cases, which felt a bit morbid, but there are also displays of living insects. They have a great ant city with stacks of boxes and clear perspex tubes where red ants are free to swarm around all over the shop.

Everything is aimed at being educational in a fun, funky, effortless sort of a way. Emi was fizzing with excitement over the whole shooting match. He was especially keen on the spider section, even though he's scared out of his wits by spiders.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

Perhaps I showed my lack of insect-fervour by enjoying the section with insect-eating plants. There was even a plant down there that threatened to devour Emi. Luckily we were able to prise him out of its killer clutches before the acidic juices dissolved his tennis shoes.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

The highlight of the indoor section for me was the corner devoted to bees. Maybe this was really just a function of my enthusiasm for honey rather than the little chaps who make it, but I was fixated by the natural form hive that dangled (safely) behind a glass screen as lots of worker bees buzzed in and out working their sweet magic.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

When we'd seen all the stuff inside we headed up the hill for the outdoor trail.

Now the idea of this trail is that somehow the insects have been super-sized, so that we can relate to them as not being very different from ourselves, and come to appreciate the problems that they face in their daily battle to survive. The object was to help the bugs get ready for a carnival, which might be a bit of a stretch for the adult imagination, but happily Emi was more than able to throw his mind around the notion that he could hug a housefly and show it how to throw some moves on the dance-floor.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

And help a dung beetle. Lovely work!

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

Then he had a go at rehearsing with the bug orchestra.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

And riding on the back of a stag beetle ... or is that a flee ... or am I losing it completely?

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

There are several imaginative, insect-inspired play areas where the little folk can run about to let off steam. The whole bug carnival theme was something that our straw poll of one embraced with real enthusiasm. As for Mr B and me, we enjoyed larking around in the sunshine and taking lots of silly photos.
Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

They've got a very acceptable cafe if you'd like to fit in a bite of lunch or stop for a coffee. There are also lots of outdoor picnic tables where you can have a déjeuner sur l'herbe. The exhibition is run in French, as you'd expect what with it being in France and everything, but they do pretty good explanations in English. There is good wheelchair access to the indoor section, and they also have a lift to take people up the hill to the outdoor trail, but it's not really do-able if you've got a mobility issue as the pathway is pretty steep in parts. Sadly dogs are not allowed in either the outdoor or the indoor areas, so Maxi, our pooch, had to wait for us in the car.

Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

Anyway if you find yourself with an idle moment in this part of the world it's a great way to pass an afternoon. If you'd like to visit you can find all the information here: Micropolis.

One of the best bits for me was the lovely countryside all around. The hills are teaming with wildlife. I took Maxi for a walk before we set off and enjoyed listening to the birdsong and the crickets. I even heard a cuckoo. There are loads of wild flowers. It's a truly beautiful part of the world.

Wild flowers at Micropolis, St Léons, Aveyron, France

All the best for now,

Bonny x

As shared on Blue Monday

Friday 30 May 2014

Messing about, ... Park Güell ... and waiting for the sun to shine ...

Every time I go out I can't help doing a quick mental inventory of the wild flowers that are in bloom over here on the Costa Brava. It amazes me how many different types of colourful blossoms I stumble upon during my daily comings and goings. The cheerful orange poppies, that bob happily in the breeze, are my favourites.
This past week we've had a pretty mixed bag weather-wise; not at all what we'd been expecting for the end of May.

There have been some sunny days, but there have also been some stormy ones with spectacular thunder and lightening, nature's very own son et lumière show, for which we've had ring-side seats.

On Tuesday evening the weather came charging down the mountain in a blaze of fury. It was the wind that caught our attention first. It came suddenly, out of nowhere, to assault the old pine tree in the garden outside, twisting the branches this way and that to the point where they seemed certain to snap. Then we noticed that the noisy seagulls had disappeared. The sky darkened, and we watched from our sitting room window as the swirling clouds came tumbling down to earth, obscuring the view and leaving an impenetrable white fog. A moment later the thunder crashed, then the lightening flashed and the heavens opened. Rivers of water cascaded down the street, the garden became a floodplain and fat, swollen rain drops battered the window panes like tiny, angry fists.

We responded by fetching some logs from the basement and lighting the fire. Cosy in front of the hearth, with the weather doing its worst outside, we watched Cate Blanchett in Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine. Have you seen it? She really rocked her role, and in my view she so deserved her Oscar for such a convincing performance. I absolutely believed in her character. Her stylists did a great job too. I know we're talking about a lady who'd still manage to look stunning if she were dressed in a bin liner with her face scrubbed and her hair in rollers, but she wore such chic outfits, which were then re-cycled continually as her fortunes declined. It felt like her frocks were a metaphor for what was happening inside her head.

This week they've been holding a second hand boat sale in our village. I'm not much of a one for messing around on boats; I'm a bit of a landlubber. The thing is I get horribly seasick once we start bobbing around on the waves.

If I could get over my nausea I'm sure I'd love to go boating on one of these, especially if the weather was calm, the sky was blue and the water was like a mill pond.

I'm not sure what the connection is between selling boats and donkeys, but they've also had a gang of these little chaps doing pony rides along the beach.

Meanwhile life has carried on as normal down in the harbour.

The fishermen have mended their nets.

And the folk who simply sail for the fun of it have puttered around as usual.

We had a great day out with Emi's cousins down in Barcelona.

They took us for a romp around Park Güell, which was sensational. Antoni Gaudí is one of my heroes. I read the other day in the newspaper that there's a pressure group petitioning the Vatican to have him beatified, and subsequently canonised as a new patron saint for architects.

As with all his other buildings there's a playfulness and a sense of fun in the design of Park Güell. If you ever get a chance, please go inside one of his buildings because they're as special once you're in them as they are from the outside. Gaudí really wanted people to enjoy being inside his houses. He introduced as much natural light as possible, and everything has a wholesome, organic feeling: a bit like living in some enchanted forest where life is perfect, the wind never blows too strongly and the sun never shines too hot.

Sadly we didn't have time to go inside the monumental zone as we had to go to a family barbecue. The queues for tickets were frightening, and the next time slot available at 1 p.m. was for 3:30 p.m., which would have totally scuppered our plans for the afternoon. If you plan on going it would be advisable to book your tickets online in advance.

You can get all the details here if you'd like to arrange a visit: Park Güell information

As it was, we enjoyed the rest of the park even though it was crazy-busy with people. I made a mental note to myself that we ought to revisit in the winter on a nice, clear day when there aren't so many people around.

There's also a museum about the great Gaudí, but our time constraints meant that we weren't able to get a ticket to go in for a nosey around that either.

Nevertheless we enjoyed some great views down over the city and out to sea.

And the most important part of all was for us to enjoy a day with my sister and brother-in-law, and for Emi to catch up with his lovely cousins.

Hasta la próxima,

Bonny x
As shared on Welcome to the weekend and Friday Finds

Wednesday 28 May 2014

C is for cousins ...

For little boys who don't have any brothers of their own, cousins are very important people. And for Emi his two little cousins from Barcelona are the very best people on earth ... .

We had a great time with them last Sunday in Park Güell.

So here's to cousins,

Bonny x

As shared on the Alphabet Project

Monday 26 May 2014

Cushion makeover part 4: vertically striped crochet cushion

So how do you like my clutch of cushions?

I'm quite pleased with how they've turned out: a nice combination of stripes and textures in a constrained two-way colour scheme. They're perfect for relaxing on the terrace on mornings like this when the sun forgets to shine and there's just a little bit of a nip in the air.

It's taken me a while, but I've finally finished the last one - the one with the vertical stripes over on the left of the sofa. It's been hard to find the time to crochet recently with all the little bits of nonsense that life's been chucking in my direction.

If you fancy making them you can find the patterns for the others here:

Crochet lime loopy cushion (front left hand side): Loopy cushion

Knitted horizontal striped cushion (back right hand side): Horizontal striped cushion

Crochet Astrakan cushion (front, right hand side):Astrakan cushion

As with all of the other cushion patterns that I've written about, this one is dead easy. I've worked the striped pattern on the front only, and kept the back plain double crochet so that I could bomb through it as quickly as possible.

I used Sirdar's Bonus Chunky wool for all of the cushions, worked with a 5 mm crochet hook so that the work was quite tightly woven. This one took about 150 yards of grey wool, and about 80 yards of lime wool to make.

I started with a cushion that measured 24" x 15" (61 cm x 38 cm).

How to make the front of the cushion:

This striped pattern repeats over 8 stitches, with one stitch for turning. Each stripe is made over 4 stitches. You should start by calculating the number of stitches you need to make the size of cushion you require and then fine-tune that number so that you can work it to a multiple of 8 with the single stitch for turning. It's best to do this by chaining the length that you think will work for the width of your cushion, and then checking after a couple of rows that you've got your calculation right.

I chained 73 stitches, which gave me 18 stripes (plus one stitch for turning). As always I like to knit or crochet covers slightly tight as the fabric will stretch with wear, and if you're not careful you can end up with a sagging cushion that doesn't look great: think Nora Batty's tights.

Row 1: Using the grey wool I worked a row of double crochet stitches (American single crochet stitches), starting with the second chain from the needle (72 doubles in total).

Row 2 (right side row: that is a row with the right side of the work held facing you as you crochet):  I chained 1 stitch to turn, and then worked 4 double crochets into the last 4 double crochets of the first row. With the last of those four stitches, I changed the colour of the wool by not completing the stitch with the grey wool. On the last stage of the stitch, when there were two loops remaining on the needle I drew the lime wool over the needle, and finished the stitch ending with a lime loop on my needle. Then I worked the next 3 stitches in the lime wool, and repeated the process with the grey wool on the fourth stitch.

Let me show you that fourth change-colour stitch with some step-by-step photos:

Insert the needle as normal to work a double crochet stitch ...

... wrap the wool around as normal ...

... and draw it through, so that you have 2 loops on the needle ...

... then take the new colour (the grey wool) and loop it over  ...

... and draw it through ... so that you have only one (grey) loop and you're all set to go with the new colour ...

 ... and then just carry on with the new colour until it's time to change again.

You keep going like this, working four stitches in one colour, and then four in the other until you reach the end of the row. The change-over stitches for this row are easy as the wool will naturally fall on the wrong side of the work, so you don't have to think about where it is.

Row 3: This is a wrong side row: that is a row with the wrong side of the work held facing you as you crochet. This row is a little bit trickier as you have to remember to flip your wool over so that it's carried on the wrong side. It's not a big deal, and you'll soon see that you've made a mistake if you forget. The wrong side, with all the loops of dormant wool that are being carried across, will look like this when you get going:

Anyway for row 3 you need to work one chain to turn, and then 3 double crochet stitches normally.

For the fourth double crochet stitch work insert your needle as normal ...

... throw the wool over and pull it through so that you have two loops left on the needle ...

... and then pick up the new colour wool (grey) from the bottom: do not throw it over the needle in a loop. Instead draw it through the two (lime) loops on the needle, catching it with the hook from below ...

... so that you have only one (grey) loop, and then ...

... flip the old wool (lime) over so that it's lying on the wrong side of the work, facing you. This is really important as you want the loops of dormant wool that aren't in use to be carried on the wrong side of your work. You can see in the photo below how I've pulled the lime wool towards me so that it's going to be carried on the wrong side.

And then you just carry on that like this, changing your wool colour every four stitches until you reach the end of the row.

Carry on repeating rows 2 and 3 until your work measures almost the correct length to fit your cushion. Then work one last row in plain double crochet with the colour that you used in row 1 (grey in my case).

Cast off.

How to make the back of the cushion:

For the back cast on the same number of stitches as you did for the front (73 in my case)

Work a double crochet into the second chain from the needle, and then keep on going all the way across the row (72 double crochet stitches).

Chain one to turn and work another row in double crochet.

Carry on until your work measures the desired length. Then cast off and sew the two sides together.

Ta-dah! You've made a striped cushion.

Now stand back and admire your handiwork,

Bonny x