
Thursday, 11 August 2016

Costa Brava Colours ...

Out here on the Costa my days are full of colour. The amazing blue skies and clear, bright light make this a perfect destination for photographers. Quite honestly, all you have to do is point the camera and click. Whatever you've focussed on will look marvellous in that wonderful sunshiny light.

Even the weeds out here are photogenic. I mean who would complain about having weeds in their garden that looked like this?

Isn't it glorious? This morning glory has colonised the cliffs behind the fish processing plant down at the harbour where the WonderDog and I go for our morning walk. No one cares for it, and it's just quietly covered some fairly unlovely buildings, fences and rock faces with its glorious purple blossoms. When the sun catches them they are truly splendid. From a distance it looks as though everything is wreathed in regal purple.

The blue of the water and the sky looks pretty amazing in the morning sunshine too. It's a wonderful time of the day to be out and about. Emi starts sailing school at 9:00 a.m. every morning, so the WonderDog and I walk him down to the beach. Mostly the air is still, the light is magical and the morning is full of promise and possibilities. It's difficult  not to feel optimistic about life in this part of the world on a fine sunny morning.

And talking of the WonderDog, he's even been cornering a kaleidoscope of colour all for himself on the beach. Take a look at this get-up:

If I get to come back in another life I think I'll chose to come back as a Schnauzer. My human attendants will sweat in the heat of the midday sun as they haul all my toys, towels and parasols to the beach, where they will scrupulously attend to my sanitary needs and ensure that I'm entertained and have a constant supply of cold drinking water and mid-morning/afternoon/ whatever-time snacks. And that sweet spot in the middle of the shade under the parasol, well that will forever be mine ...

Whilst Emi is off sailing I've been busy in my sewing room. I've appropriated a little room that really only serves to connect two upstairs terraces. Being high in the building it's got brilliant light and makes the perfect spot to keep all my projects away from the high-traffic areas downstairs. I'm working on a stack of things that range from curtains to dresses and shirts. I'm loving how I can co-ordinate my textiles with my knitwear. I've got this zingy orange and red scheme going on with some lawn cotton that just flows right into these great 4 ply cotton yarns. I'm working on a short-sleeved dress and thinking about a sweet little cardigan to match. Maybe I could find some bias binding in a zippy tangerine that would finish off the neckline of the dress and pick out the little orange flowers in the fabric.

And talking of knitwear I've finished a relaxed-fitting beach cardigan in my DK bamboo yarn. In fact it came of the needles  a couple of weeks' ago in fact, but I've just been too absorbed in other things to get the pattern written up. It's on my to-do list for some time soon. Watch this space ...

All the best for now,

Bonny x

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