
Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Ealing's swamp cypress ...

Today I'm loving a swamp Cypress - native of a mangrove swamp in the Florida Everglades, - that's made its home in Walpole Park. Who'd have thought? A swamp cypress? In Ealing?

Walpole Park, Ealing, London, W5
Ealing's Swamp Cypress

As the WonderDog and I were having our midday constitutional we happened upon this rather fetching show of autumnal prettiness. It seemed a curious display for something that looked like a conifer, so we trotted over to read the label ...

Simple soul that I am, I was  just a little bit blown away that something from a mangrove swamp could survive so happily in west London. Amazing! 

And all around was a soft carpet of fallen, feathery needles - just like they'd promised us on the label. 

Swamp Cypress needles

It was all rather glorious in the autumn sunshine. And that probably contributed in no small measure to the pleasure of my great discovery. 

Walpole Park, Ealing

Wishing you lots of leafy loveliness!

All the best for now,

Bonny x 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so love the feel of that last shot! and such a surprise to see the other!
