
Monday, 14 November 2016

Thank you to all my lovely Festiwool customers ...

It was a truly splendid little fair with lots of lovely, friendly people - both buying and selling. I'm always impressed by how nice yarn-lovers are. I know it sounds schmaltzy and trite, and that there are always exceptions to every rule, but in my experience - gleaned from days on my feet talking to the passing public at yarn fairs, and weeks of my life given over to knitting retreats - I've come to the firm view that a love of all things woolly is, of itself, a pretty good character reference.

My biggest challenge with these events is always finding the place in the first instance. Festiwool was held in the North Herts. College in Hitchin, just off the Cambridge Road. We had the postcode, and the Cambridge Road is not a very long one, so you'd have thought it would be a doddle getting there.  In the pitch black and pouring rain of the Friday night rush hour, with bumper to bumper traffic it was, however, a challenge. I always feel especially blessed to have the assistance of that modern miracle that's called the SatNav. I've got a spectacularly bad sense of direction, and my TomTom saves my bacon every time I head out. Luckily, out of the gloom, I saw some yarn bombing beckoning to me from a carpark, and had a hunch that I'd found the right place. So, in the end, it was a combination of science and the irresistible lure of the yarn that led me home.

Sadly I hadn't finished my Festiwool bear in time for the fair. We've had the builders in again. They're still here. And my home is like a war zone. The joys of living in a leaky, old house ... . So poor little Festibear's a monopod at the moment, but with another leg and a couple of arms he'll soon be ready to go.

Anyway I'd better push off and sort out some of the voluminous pile of challenges that are intimidating me from my in-tray. All the best for now, and a thank you to everyone who stopped by on Saturday,

Bonny x 

1 comment:

  1. I don't knit or crochet, but sometimes I wish I did. Such lovely colors, such soft yarn.
