
Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Sew Sunday ...

I'm enjoying a lot of peace and quiet at the moment, perhaps rather more peace and quiet than I'm totally comfortable with. By some strange alignment of the stars Mr B and the child are both away: Mr B is the Far East with work, and Emi is in Wales on a geography trip. So it's just me and the WonderDog holding the fort.

I enjoyed it enormously for the first day or two. Whaow! I got so much done ... but now I'm finding excuses to go and visit people. I've had enough of my own company.

On Sunday we had a glorious day here in London: all blue skies and sunshine. I devoted my afternoon to sewing peacefully on the terrace.

First off I finally got my bee pin cushion sewed to a proper backing with a suitable trim. It's been languishing on my to-do list for a-g-e-s. I hadn't got the right colour velvet for the backing. I hadn't got any trim that seemed appropriate. I had a long list of reasons for procrastinating.

Anyway it's all done now. Although you can't see it in the photos I found a wonderful  short pile velvet in the perfect shade of teal to match the stitch-work.

I also tried out the pattern for a new tote bag. I've got a party of clients at the end of the month that I need to entertain with a mixed media programme of activities: a sampler of cross stitch, some knitting and a soupçon of crochet, and I thought they might be able to use one of these to carry their haul of goodies around in.

I'm secretly rather proud of the makey-makey themed upholstery fabric that I found for the project. And a quick trip down the totally wonderful Goldhawk Road yielded a cotton chintz of exactly the right tones for an inner lining to compliment the exterior.

I'm also hard at work on a pair of socks for my father. I'm using some of the log-chip dyed 4 ply that I did earlier in the year. It's quite a dark colour to work with, which is a challenge in and of itself.

Have you got any WIPs this week? It's always interesting to know what other people are up to.

Anyway I'm off to find someone to talk to. This total peace and quiet thing is doing my head in! 😆

All the best for now,

Bonny x

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