
Friday 7 November 2014

Autumn at last ... Where have you been?

Autumn has finally arrived! We've gone from balmy Halloween, celebrated in T-shirts and flip-flops, to Jack Frost nipping at our noses in less than a week. Congratulations to our barmy British climate. It's all a bit bonkers, really.

I'm so glad that I managed to squeeze in some time last weekend to walk in the woods with Emi and Maxi, and admire the wonderful colours of the leaves against the most perfect blue sky.

There were lots of other people out, taking the air as well. Several parents came up and asked if their little ones could stroke Maxi. He's everyone's friend, and he especially loves children, although his exuberance can sometimes startle them.

We collected leaves. I'm a compulsive leaf collector at this time of the year, and it's rubbing off. Emi also returns clutching a bunch of foliage as though it were a bouquet of fine flowers.

Aren't those maple leaves exquisite? I was so inspired by their brilliant colours that I dusted off my old flower press and we spent a happy hour placing some of our better-looking trophies between pages of blotting paper and card for pressing. We went out in our garden to see what else we could find.

There were some heroic geraniums and nasturtiums still going strong, so we harvested a few of those to go in the press as well. I'm not sure what we'll do with them all when they're done, but they seemed to give the most perfect spectrum of my favourite fire colours. I hope they don't fade too much as they dry.

We've had a busy time of it recently. Emi has finally got his project on the Romans done and dusted. We had a lovely day at the Roman Baths just before his half-term holidays finished, which gave him loads of material to write about.

And I've been busy baking  Boozy Bejeweled Christmas Cakes, which have left my kitchen smelling like a cosy little corner of heaven.

My favourite Turkish grocer has started to stock the new season's clementines, which are positively divine: juicy and sweet and aromatic. Yesterday a bunch of them called out to me and positively begged me to make them into some marmalade. How could a girl resist? I mean just look how inviting they were:

I used my tried-and-tested method and had a lot of fun playing around with the flavours. I chose to enhance the zesty, almost floral flavour of the fruit with some green cardamons and a decent glug of Cointreau to max out the orangeness. I had a hunch that the flavours would marry well, and they did - with bells on!  If you're interested in my recipe I'll try and write it up soon before I forget. I still like to play with my food and a lot of my cooking is done on the hoof, improvising as I go along, which is fine, but sometimes makes it difficult to get the same result twice. 

Anyway I hope you're enjoying the autumn too, and all the best for a splendid weekend,

Bonny x

PS I've just written up my recipe and you can find it here: Clementine and cardamon marmalade


  1. Those baths look very intriguing. I must go back and read the post a minute. My Scout is everyone friendly as well. Thankfully he finally doesn't jump on little kids anymore and he is not a licker which my other dog was.

    1. They are amazing. You need to go and see them next time you come to London. Scout is adorable: a very friendly-looking chap. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  2. you've had a busy time.
    We attended a party at the Roman Baths oncewhen we attended a conference in Bath, with the flame lights around the walls. I guess I was too busy talking to take too much notice :-)
    Do you reckon we are going to have a true [Red-] Indian summer as well as this balmy start?
    Hope so as I have a lot more planting to do.
    Your bejewelled cake looks marvellous.

    1. How lovely! I need to work out how to get myself invited to a knees-up like that. It would be fabulous at night.

      I'm not sure what to expect with the weather. We have lots of berries in our hedgerows round our way, which my mum insists is a sign of a cold, severe winter to come. Fingers crossed that this won't be the case, and good luck with your planting. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  3. I love Bath it is such a special place full of mystery. We have been blessed this autumn with amazing weather.. Although down here in Somerset it is still hanging on....

    1. Yes, the whole city of Bath is special. I love all of it, not just the Roman Baths. Here's hoping that the balmy weather wont' leave us too soon. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  4. your boozy cake looks divine. I am not one for Christmas fruit cake, but yours is definitely different, and looks very tasty. I pinned it so I could try making it. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Rob. I hope it works out and that you enjoy it when you get to it. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, and thanks for stopping by. All the best, Bonny

  6. You make every day an adventure - I can tell. A walk in park is an open invitation to share the love of a pet. A visit to the Roman Baths becomes raw material for the writer in the family. Clementines become marmalade. What a lovely and creative life you live - an inspiration to me to seize every opportunity to learn and do and make.

    1. Thank you for your very kind words, Donna. There's a lot to celebrate and enjoy in the small things that are all too easily overlooked and taken for granted. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  7. Ah your Maxi sounds like my Becky, a little too happy to meet people. Beautiful fall photos, the best season!

    1. Thank you. Maxi is nothing if not an enthusiast, which makes me love him all the more. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  8. Your Fall season looks lovely. I also like your beautiful Christmas cakes.

    1. Thank you. I always think that the Fall season looks more dramatic over in Canada and the US. We don't seem to get the same intensity of fire colours as you enjoy over there. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

    2. Very nice images.
      As to fall color - it explains why I love this season best of all!!!

  9. What a busy time you've hadrecently. I think we can safely say are warm days are over for now and the heating has been turned on at home but there are still a few flowers blooming in the garden and leaves on the trees.

    1. Yes. It's a bit of a pity as all my lovely flowers that have been blooming so heroically are about to be snuffed out by the frost. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny

  10. Looks like some beautiful Autumn walkies have been had; great colours :)

    1. Yes, Lisa. We've been enjoying some really splendid Autumn walkies these past few days. The autumn colours seem to just keep getting better and better this year. Hope it's gorgeous down your way too. All the best and thanks for stopping by, Bonny
