
Thursday, 22 October 2015

Beech hut ... Dorset style ...

And, nope, I haven't forgotten how to spell beach!

This beech hut is so named, not because of any close proximity to a beach, but because it's made of beech saplings, cleverly pleached and grown together to make the funkiest garden house I've ever seen. Apparently it was planted back in the 1930's.

I don't know how long it would take to get one of these arbours to grow up to fully-clad roof height in my garden, but I'm sitting here wishing I'd planted one half a life time ago ... .

I stumbled upon this little gem yesterday in the grounds of Forde Abbey in Somerset. Emi and I were enjoying a fun day out with some very dear friends when we saw it sitting on the bank of the Great Pond.

Inside it felt very sheltered, although when the beech drops its leaves I imagine the outlook from within will be very different. In the meantime it would make a great hide for watching wild birds on the pond outside. They've even placed a little bench beside the main window for sitting on whilst you enjoy the view over the water.

On a hot day in summer, under the heat of the midday sun, I can imagine coming in here to enjoy the coolness and the stillness. Sitting on that little bench watching the dragon flies whizz over the still water of the pond would be a lovely distraction from the serious business of exploring the rest of the gardens.

And even on a grey day in October the beech-hut bower totally rocked.

All the best for now,

Bonny x

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